Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Donnie Brasco

I have been wanting to see this movie for what seems like years now, due to the fact I love Mob movies and Johnny Depp's acting ability in any film he does. This is one of Johnny Depps first Big leading roles in a film and he holds up even against the great Al Pacino. Speaking of Al Pacino..he should easily have been nominated for a Oscar for his portrayal of Lefty, but more times than not the Oscar Academy has no clue what great acting is (Daniel Day-Lewis in Gangs of New York should have won last year no questions asked!). Michael Madsen is always a fun actor to watch on screen and this is one of his best performances. Anne Heche really impressed me with her acting as well and she actually looked kinda hot. The last scene in this film featuring Al Pacino opening a drawer, putting in a few precious items, closing it, only to open it again and leave it ajar a few moments later is truly powerful because of what it implies. This film may not be as great as Goodfellas, but it is one you can mention in the same sentence and not feel guilty about it. Tired of renting bad movies that look interesting because of the cool covers on the dvd, fuggetaboutit, rent or buy Donnie Brasco and go home happy.Johnny Depp DVDs have never been easier to get.

donnie brasco

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